Saturday, November 19, 2011

Quietly Blowing-up Small Animals

I am very fortunate in that a number of my co-workers in the wide world of auditing are very concerned about the well being of animals. That is, they want the animals to taste delicious. That's right...I work with HUNTERS. This is surprising, since we are usually so concerned with avoiding loud noises and any potential ouchies. A number of my brave co-workers have been known to advance fearlessly into the dark forests to blast small furry creatures with high powered weapons that make loud boom-boom noises.

This being the sad state of affairs, a number of woodland creatures have recently approached me to inquire about whether there is a season on people. After exhaustive research on the topic, I advised them that I was afraid there was no such season in our particular area. They were all quite disgusted with this and left without so much as a thank you. That annoyed me, so....I took out the shotgun. Let's just say we're going to all eat well tonight.

PS. I heard that there was a game of some kind going on today. This is indeed true. I happen to be a Saints fan myself. It is my semi-professional opinion that, if they watch their free throws and maintain the home run average, they may indeed have a shot at the Pennant.

1 comment:

  1. Yes...joking aside, it's hard for me to see the sport in hunting.
